About the Recipe
If you do not have ginger syrup, infuse 1 hour 1 cm of grated fresh ginger root in 10 cl of cane syrup brought to the boil for 2 minutes. Filter and you have homemade syrup!
500g swordfish (or other white fish)
150 g of salmon
2 cucumbers
1 red onion
1 lime
2 clementines or mandarins
5 tbsp ginger syrup
1/2 to 1 Planifolia vanilla bean (Blue vanilla or Bourbon from Reunion, Comores or Madagascar)
2 tbsp olive oil
Guyana black pepper
Fresh parsley Fresh chives
Fresh coriander
Fresh dill
Fresh mint
Finely chop the Blue vanilla bean (or scrape the pulp from a Bourbon vanilla).
Add to the ginger syrup and heat over low heat in a small saucepan.
Stop cooking 1 minute after the first broth then let cool.
Dice the fish into small pieces with a knife, sprinkle with lime juice and set aside to cool.
In a non-metallic bowl, finely chop the onion, the fresh herbs and thinly slice the cucumber.
Peel the citrus fruits raw and lift their supremes (segments of pulp between the membranes).
Stand above the bowl for this step so that you can collect the juice that flows from the citrus fruits.
Squeeze the "skeleton" of the citrus fruits to squeeze out all the juice.
Cut the obtained supremes in two or three.
Add the oil and vanilla ginger syrup, salt and pepper to taste.
Mix the fish in this preparation then place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before eating, very chilled!